Erin K. Lipp

Dean's Office, Office of Academic Affairs, Environmental Health Science,
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Georgia Power Professor of Environmental Health
EHS Graduate Program Director

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Website

Dean's Office, Office of Academic Affairs, Environmental Health Science,


PhD, Marine Science, University of South Florida, 1999

BA, Biology, New College of Florida, 1994

More About

Courtesy Professor in:

  • Department of Microbiology, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
  • Department of Marine Science,Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
  • Odum School of Ecology
Areas of Expertise

Research: marine microbial ecology, aquatic microbial ecology, pathogen ecology, climate change and waterborne disease, disease ecology

Teaching: public health microbiology, environmental microbiology, aquatic microbiology


Fellow in the American Academy of Microbiology

Member in American Society for Microbiology, Association for the Study of Limnology and Oceanography, and the American Meteorological Society

Course Instruction

EHSC 4310 and 4310L – Environmental Microbiology (spring terms)

EHSC 7310 – Public Health Microbiology (fall terms, even years)

EHSC 8310 – Advanced Topics in Aquatic Microbiology and Health (fall terms, odd years)

EHSC 8410 – Oceans and Human Health (not offered on a regular basis)

Dr. Lipp teaches courses in microbiology from an environmental health perspective. These include an upper level undergrad course in environmental microbiology and grad classes in public health microbiology and aquatic microbiology.

Research Interests

Research in Dr. Lipp’s lab is centered around microbial ecology and environmental microbiology and its interface with both public and ecosystem health. She works on issues ranging from water and sanitation to climate change to coral disease ecology. Currently, her lab is focused on understanding population dynamics of bacterial pathogens in the context of their role in microbial community structure in aquatic systems and environmental factors that cause significant shifts in their abundance.