Eunhae Shin

Health Policy & Management
Assistant Professor

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Website

Health Policy & Management

  • PhD, University of Southern California, 2019, Economics
  • MA, Korea University, 2011, Economics
  • BA, Korea University, 2008, Economics
Areas of Expertise

Health economics, health policy, health services research, program evaluation

Honors, Awards, and Achievements

Best Student Paper Award, American Society of Health Economists, 2019

  • American Economic Association
  • American Society of Health Economists
  • International Health Economics Association
  • AcademyHealth
Research Interests

Payment reform, provider incentives, quality of care, primary care, health equity

Selected Publications

Singh P, Fu N, Dale S, Orzol S, Laird J, Markovitz A, Shin E, O’Malley A, McCall N, Day T (2024). The Comprehensive Primary Care Plus Model: Associations with spending, service use, and quality. JAMA, 331(2):132-146; doi:10.1001/jama.2023.24712.

Shin E (2023). Physician connectedness and referral choice. Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 85(6):1238-1261;

Shin E, Fleming C, Ghosh A, Javadi A, Powell R, Rich E (2022). Assessing patient, physician, and practice characteristics predicting the use of low-value services. Health Services Research, 57(6):1261-1273;

Fleming C, Shin E, Powell R, Poznyak D, Javadi A, Burkhart C, Ghosh A, Rich E (2022). Updating a claims-based measure of low-value services applicable to Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 37(13):3453-3461;

Hill A, Shin E, Schimmel Hyde J (2021). Access to care and health insurance coverage for workers with disabilities: Outcomes by state-level responses to the ACA. Disability and Health Journal, 14(3):101099;

Shin E (2019). Hospital responses to price shocks under the prospective payment system. Health Economics, 28(2):245-260;

Do YK, Shin E (2017). Bidirectional relationship between time preference and adolescent smoking and alcohol use: Evidence from longitudinal data. Addictive Behaviors, 70:42-48;

Shin E, Do YK (2015). Basic Old-Age Pension and financial wellbeing of older adults in South Korea. Ageing & Society, 35(5):1055-1074;

Do YK, Shin E, Bautista MA, Foo K (2013). The associations between self-reported sleep duration and adolescent health outcomes: What is the role of time spent on Internet use? Sleep Medicine, 14(2):195-200;