Morgan Taylor

Institute for Disaster Management
Associate Director, IDM
Assistant Research Scientist
Assistant Director, UGA Medical Reserve Corps

Institute for Disaster Management

Dr. Morgan Taylor is the Associate Director of the Institute for Disaster Management and an Assistant Research Scientist. She received her undergraduate degree in chemistry from Emory University, along with her AEMT certification and license. Dr. Taylor then earned her MPH in Disaster Management and PhD in Epidemiology and Biostatistics with an area of emphasis in Data Analysis and Modeling at UGA.

Dr. Taylor’s primary responsibility is to enhance the research activities at IDM. Her own research focuses on nuclear threat modeling and disaster management/medicine, but she also works on translating IDM’s prolific service-based research efforts into the peer-reviewed, academic literature.

Dr. Taylor also serves as the Assistant Director for the UGA Medical Reserve Corps, which is a volunteer organization that supports the emergency management, public health, and other health care needs of the Athens-Clarke County (ACC) and UGA communities during times of need. During nonemergency times, MRC focuses mostly on training, emergency preparedness, and first aid event standby at ACC and UGA events. They also work closely with the Piedmont First Aid Dawgs to provide medical care for attendees at the Georgia football home games.