Andrea Swartzendruber

Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Associate Professor

Curriculum Vitae

Epidemiology & Biostatistics


PhD, Women’s, Reproductive, and Perinatal Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2012

MPH, Global Health, Emory University Rollins School of Public Health, 1999

BA, Biology, Goshen College, 1994

Areas of Expertise
  • sexual and reproductive health
  • adolescent health
  • maternal and child health
  • women’s health policy

ASTDA, American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association
CFAR, Center for AIDS Research
SAHM, Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine

Course Instruction

Courses taught:

  • Introduction to Epidemiology
  • Graduate Seminar for Teaching Assistants
  • Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology for Public Health Practice
Research Interests

Dr. Swartzendruber’s research focuses on women’s sexual and reproductive health and maternal and child health. Her research interests reflect a comprehensive view of health and wellbeing, spanning individual and social determinants of health, service delivery, and health policy. In line with a life course perspective, much of Dr. Swartzendruber’s research focuses on health behavior, health services, and outcomes during critical periods and life transitions, particularly adolescence and young adulthood, pregnancy, and parenting.

Her research areas include:

  • women’s sexual and reproductive health services
  • adolescents and young adults
  • health policy
  • family planning
  • substance use
  • sexually transmitted infections
  • HIV
  • health disparities
Selected Publications

Swartzendruber A, Lambert D. A web-based geolocated directory of crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) in the United States: Description of CPC Map methods and design features and analysis of baseline data. JMIR Public Health Surveill. 2020;6(1):e16726.

Ellington SR, Serrano Rodriguez R, Goldberg H, Bertolli J, Simeone R, Soto Mercado A, Pazol K, Jamieson DJ, Honein MA, Swartzendruber A, Miles T, Cordero J, Shapiro-Mendoza C. Assessment of Contraceptive Use in Puerto Rico during the 2016 Zika Virus Outbreak. Contraception. 2020;101(6):405-11.

Swartzendruber A, English A, Blumoff Greenberg K, Murray PJ, Freeman M, Upadhya K,Simpson T, Miller E, Santelli J. Crisis Pregnancy Centers in the United States: Lack of Adherence to Medical and Ethical Practice Standards: A position paper of the Society for Adolescent Medicine and North American Society for Adolescent and Pediatric Gynecology. J Adolesc Health. 2019;65(6):821-824.

Swartzendruber A, Brown JL, Sales JM, Windle M, Haardoerfer, R. Age-related associations between substance use and age-related changes in sexual risk among African American Females during adolescence and emerging adulthood: An integrative data analysis approach using time-varying effect models. Addict Behav. 2019;96:110-118.

Swartzendruber A, Newton-Levinson A. Steiner RJ. Contraceptive information on pregnancy resource center websites: A statewide content analysis. Contraception. 2018;98(2):158-62.

Swartzendruber A, Newton-Levinson A, Feuchs A, Phillips AL, Hickey, J. Steiner RJ. Sexual and reproductive health services and related health information on pregnancy resource center websites: A state-wide content analysis. Women’s Health Issues. 2018;28(1):14-20.

Steiner RJ, Liddon N, Swartzendruber A, Rasberry CN, Sales J. Long-acting reversible contraception and condom use among female U.S. high school students: Implications for maximizing pregnancy and STI/HIV prevention. JAMA Pediatrics. 2016;170(5):428-34.

Swartzendruber A, Sales JM, Brown JL, DiClemente RJ, Rose E. Comparison of substance use typologies as predictors of sexual risk in African American adolescent females. Arch Sex Behav. 2016;45(1):63-72.

Swartzendruber A, Sales JM, Rose ES, DiClemente RJ. Alcohol use problems and sexual risk among young adult African American mothers. AIDS Behav. 2016;20 Suppl 1:74-83.

Swartzendruber A, Steiner RJ, Adler MR, Kamb ML, Newman LM. Introduction of rapid syphilis testing in antenatal care: A systematic review of the impact on HIV and syphilis testing. Int J Gynaecol Obstet. 2015;130 Suppl 1:S15-21.

Swartzendruber A, Sales JM, DiClemente RJ, Brown JL, Rose ES. Correlates of incident Trichomonas vaginalis infections over 18 months of follow-up among African American female adolescents. Sex Transm Dis. 2014;41(4):240-5.

Swartzendruber A and Zenilman JM. A National strategy to improve sexual health. JAMA. 2010;304(9):1005-1006.