Katie Darby Hein

Health Promotion & Behavior
Clinical Associate Professor
Internship Coordinator

Curriculum Vitae

Health Promotion & Behavior


PhD, Health Promotion and Behavior, University of Georgia, 2004

More About

Affiliate Faculty, Institute for Women’s Studies, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences

Areas of Expertise

Research: undergraduate education in public health

Teaching: women’s health, community health, health disparities, program planning

Honors, Awards, and Achievements

Excellence in service award, College of Public Health, 2016

Excellence in teaching award, College of Public Health, 2014

Service learning fellow, University of Georgia, 2015-2016



Course Instruction

HPRB 3020S Foundations in health promotion professional practice and service

HPRB 3700 Community health

HPRB 3150 Women’s health

Dr. Hein is convinced health promotion is critical to public health, and thus she is enthusiastic about what she teaches. Dr. Hein’s work is to create space for students to question injustice, to conduct evidence-based needs assessment, and to create plans to positively impact health disparity. She wants her students to be well trained, and it is her fortunate job to help them become competent, critical, and effective health promotion specialists.

Research Interests

As the demands for competent public health professionals increases, systems are needed for measuring proficiency and preparation of public health students across institutions and across discipline.