The UGA College of Public Health Pilot Grant Program application is now open. Details about the grant can be found below.

  • The application window is from September 1st, 2024 to November 1st 2024. The Research Advisory Committee will review the applications and make funding decisions in December 2024, and funding will start on January 1, 2025.
  • The max budget for the pilot award is $25,000. Depending on the number and $$ amount of the selected applications, we will award as many as we can, but a minimum of 2 max awards will be made. A budget justification is required, and funds may be used for any research purpose but cannot be used for any salary support. The funds must be used for research only. Travel for research purposes is permissible with proper justification, but travel to conferences, etc, is not allowed.
  • The attached template lists all the sections that are required, but applications may be up to 5 pages in length max.
  • Multi-PI teams are encouraged but not required. The funds will be awarded to CPH faculty only, so if you propose a collaboration with faculty outside of CPH, you can work with them, but all funds will be issued to the CPH faculty (you can buy supplies for a collaborator, but no funds will be transferred to another unit outside of the College)
  • A thorough plan for obtaining federal funding after the pilot grant is required.
  • All CPH faculty of all ranks are eligible to apply for this pilot grant opportunity. Postdoctoral fellows and graduate students are not allowed to apply.

The application is available to download as a PDF file and Word file. If you have any questions, please contact Chas Easley at [email protected].