March 28, 2025 | University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education & Hotel

In celebration of the UGA College of Public Health’s 20th anniversary, we are taking the time to reflect on past research, highlight ongoing studies and expand on future goals. Through seven presentations from all seven departments and institutes, as well as a keynote speaker, the day’s event is set to celebrate all facets of public health.


UGA College of Public Health Research Day

As part of the College of Public Health’s 20th anniversary celebration in 2025, we will host a Research Day showcasing all seven departments and institutes, featuring a keynote presentation on environmental health and sustainability.

9-9:30 a.m.: Introductions

  • Dean Marsha Davis
  • Provost Jack Hu

9:30-10:15 a.m.: Keynote Presentation

  • Title: Climate Changes Health
    • Speaker: Kris Ebi, University of Washington Depts of Global Health and Environmental and Occupational Health

10:15-10:30 a.m.: Break

10:30-11 a.m.: Epidemiology & Biostatistics

  • Title: Department overview and discussion of future research
    • Speakers: Ye Shen, Amy Winter and Jessica Knight

11-11:30 a.m.: Institute for Gerontology

  • Title: The future is looking … old? Public health in an aging society
    • Speakers: Lisa Renzi-Hammond, Jenay Beer, Stephen Correia, Jacob Harth

11:30 a.m.-12 p.m.: Environmental Health Sciences

  • Title:  The past, present, and future of public health is environmental
    • Speakers:  Travis Glenn, Luke Naeher and Erin Lipp

12-12:15 p.m.: Break

12-1 p.m.: Private Lunch – by invite only

1-1:15 p.m.: Break

1:15-1:45 p.m.: Institute for Disaster Management

  • Title: When the unpredictable is predictable: How has disaster management evolved, and what’s next?
    • Speakers: Curt Harris, Morgan Taylor, Patrick O’Neal

1:45-2:15 p.m.: Global Health Institute

  • Title: Overview of GHI: Building on Past Success for Strategic Global Health Research and Instruction
    • Speaker: Juliet Sekandi
  • Title: The Growth of International Research and Training in Global Health
    • Speaker: Chris Whalen
  • Title: Respiratory health effects of household air pollution due to solid fuel use: observational studies and randomized intervention trials
    • Speaker: John McCracken

2:15-2:45 p.m.: Health Policy and Management

  • Title: Access to Trauma Care and Designated and Non-designated Trauma Centers in Georgia Trauma System — A Retrospective Analysis of Non-fatal Trauma Discharges in Georgia, 2021
    • Speaker: Janani Rajbhandari-Thapa
  • Title: Adverse Childhood Experiences and their Impact on risky sexual behavior and Harm Reduction Strategies Uptake among Persons Who Inject Drugs (PWID) in Northeast Georgia
    • Speaker: Mohammad Rifat Haider
  • Title: Long COVID and financial Hardship: A disaggregated analysis at income and education levels
    • Speaker: Ishtiaque Fazlul

2:45-3:15 p.m.: Health Promotion and Behavior

  • Title: Program overview and spotlight on impactful community work, future research plans
    • Speakers: Lucy Ingram/Jessica Muilenburg
    • George Mois/Renato Azevedo
    • Leah Wang

3:15-3:30 p.m.: Student Awards Presentation and Donor Thank You

3:30-5 p.m.: Poster presentations