The UGA College of Public Health Office of Information Technology (CPHOIT) provides service and support for all aspects of information and instructional technology utilized by students, faculty, and staff at the College.

Support Updates from the CPHOIT Team
  • To reach us with an urgent need, call one of our two IT Instructional Technologists, Trent or Leo, as listed below.
  • The best and preferred non-emergency way to reach our team is via the ticketing system.  Click this link, click the button below, go to, or send an email to [email protected].  Tickets are seen by our entire team, and can be routed to the best person available to help with your task.  PLEASE DO NOT submit tickets on behalf of others (aka Proxy Tickets), unless the person requiring help is unable to submit a ticket on their own (for example, perhaps a new employee has not yet arrived, or someone has lost connectivity).  All those under the purview of CPH, if using a CPH owned computer, should use the ticket system; Administration, Faculty, Staff, and Students.
  • OIT now has physical access to most areas under our purview.
  • For those teleworking, it is best practice to access your files and work by using Remote Desktop, rather than connecting to your server files directly on your home or remote computers. We also encourage the use of UGA and CPHOIT prepped machines rather than personal computers. When connecting to Remote Desktop (or other on-campus systems) please use to access UGA’s Remote Access VPN for increased security.

034 Rhodes Hall, UGA Health Sciences – Staff Offices
008 Rhodes Hall, UGA Health Sciences Campus – Online Learning Media Center

Hours of Operation:
8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Monday–Friday
NOTE: Email is NOT monitored after hours and on weekends.

Click on the Request Support button to submit a request for technical assistance to the CPHOIT team via the OIT ticket system at For a complete description of its use, click here: CPH Team Dynamix User Guide [PDF]

Do you have an emergency? Please call Ben Morrison at (706) 296-4576 or Wayne Crotts at (706) 201-5944  immediately to alert them to your situation.


Ben Morrison, IT Manager
Phone: (706) 296-4576
Email: [email protected]
– Areas of Responsibility:  IT Administration

Wayne Crotts, System Administrator Specialist
Phone: (706) 201-5944
Email: [email protected]
– Areas of Responsibility: System, Network and Security Administration

Trent Davis, IT Instructional Technologist
Phone: (706) 534-4025
Email: [email protected]
-Areas of responsibility:  Desktop, Classroom, AV and Computer Lab Support

Leo Zhou, IT Instructional Technologist
Phone: (762) 400-1261
Email: [email protected]
-Areas of responsibility:  Desktop, Classroom, AV and Computer Lab Support

Our services include:

Desktop Support

CPHOIT supports the desktop environment for the College of Public Health including administrative offices, classrooms and computer labs used for instructional purposes, outreach and research. We provide support for hardware, software, and repairs for all equipment within CPH.

CPHOIT is available to assist with your IT purchase needs. We will provide recommendations, quotes, and assist with vendor demos of products when necessary.

CPHOIT Inventory Policy

All equipment over $3000 shall be tagged in accordance with UGA policy.

Any item that is NOT tagged will not be covered by insurance in the event of loss or theft. All desktops, laptops, tablets (including iPads), servers, and data storage units shall be tagged, regardless of cost. Items under $3,000 may be tagged if desired. All tagged items used off-campus are required to have an off-campus authorization.

All Desktop computers, Laptop computers, tablets, and printer requisitions which will be purchased using State, UGA Foundation, IDC/UGARF or grant funds must be ordered by means of CPHOIT.  Any devices in these categories ordered by other means will not be supported by CPHOIT.

Instructional Technology and Classroom Support

In support of instruction and learning efforts at the College of Public Health, the CPHOIT provides training and assistance with the computer and audio-visual equipment in classrooms and labs.

CPH Classroom Locations

Classrooms may be reserved by CPH faculty and staff for classes, meetings or presentations. To reserve one of the following rooms, contact the departmental business manager for the location in question. Classroom or event space not listed here will need to be reserved through UGA Campus Reservations.

Environmental Health Sciences Building, South Campus: Primary use of these rooms is for EHS classes. For room availability, contact the EHS Main Office at (706) 542-2454.

  • Classroom 101: This is the largest classroom in EHS with a seating capacity of 40-50 students. This room uses an Epson projector and a desktop computer. No equipment is available by default for video/web conferencing in this room, but can be requested if needed. CTL provides audio/visual support for this UGA classroom.
  • Classroom (Rowe Room) 207: This room is used as a small classroom in EHS with a seating capacity of 15 students. This room uses an Epson projector and a desktop computer. A second connection is available for a laptop using either VGA  or HDMI. No equipment is available by default for video/web conferencing in this room, but can be requested if needed
  • Scientific Teaching Lab/Classroom 120: This room is a teaching lab for EHS classes that involve scientific lab testing. This room seats 20-25 students. This room uses an Epson projector and a desktop computer. A second connection is available for a laptop using either VGA or HDMI. No equipment is available by default for video/web conferencing in this room, but can be requested if needed.
  • Classroom 208: This room is used as a small classroom in EHS with a seating capacity of 10-15 students. A computer and projection system are available for use in the room.

Rhodes Hall, Health Sciences Campus: For room availability, contact the CPH Office of Academic Affairs (706.542.2300 or [email protected]).

  • Garden Level Classroom 031: This room includes an Epson Powerlite 915W projector, SMART Monitor, and web-based video conference capabilities using a Logitech conference camera. An AMX touch panel controls the AV system with options for HDMI, VGA, and document camera source options.

B.S. Miller Hall, Health Sciences Campus: Primary use of these rooms is for EPIBIO classes. For room availability, contact the EPIBIO Main Office at (706) 542-9394.

  • Classroom 101: A basic classroom with one long conference table for 12 people. A projector, large screen touch wall-mounted TV, and desktop computer are available for use in this room. The AV is managed by an AMX touch panel with HDMI and VGA source options available. Video conference capability is not setup by default in this room, but can be requested as needed.
  • Classroom 133:  This room has a long conference table for 12 people. The AV system in this room includes a large screen touch wall mounted TV, Cisco-codec and an AV bridge for web-based video conference options. A desktop computer is available and the AV is managed by use of an AMX touch panel with HDMI, VGA, and WePresent as source options. WePresent allows wireless screen sharing on all devices during video conference.
  • Classroom 201: This is a basic classroom with a large conference table for 12 people. This room uses an Epson projector and a desktop computer. The AV is managed by an AMX touch screen allowing use of HDMI and VGA as source options. No equipment is available by default for video/web conferencing in this room, but can be requested if needed.

Hudson Hall, Health Sciences Campus: Primary use of these rooms is Institute of Gerontology classes. For room availability, contact the Institute of Gerontology Main Office at (706) 542-2539.

  • Classroom 112: This is a large classroom with movable tables. The AV in this room includes an interactive Epson projector with pens provided for use. The AV is managed by an AMX touch panel with HDMI, VGA, and video conference source options. A Cisco Codec is available for IP-based video conferences and an AV bridge is available for web-based video conferences.

Wright Hall, Health Sciences Campus: Primary use of these rooms is for Global Health, HPAM and HPB classes. For room availability, contact the HPB Main Office at (706) 542-3313.

  • Classroom 102C: This room includes an AV system with an Epson 485Wi projector managed by an AMX touch panel with source options for VGA, HDMI, and a document camera. The Cisco Codec system previously installed for IP-based video conferences is no longer in service.
  • Classroom 120A: This room includes a desktop computer, AV system managed by an AMX touch panel with HDMI, VGA, and a document camera as source options. An AV bridge is also included for web-based video conference needs.

Russell Hall, Health Sciences Campus:  Please contact the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) if you experience any problems with computers and/or audio visual equipment in any of the classrooms or computer lab.  The contact number is 706-542-3456. CTL also maintains an office on the second floor of Russell Hall.

Additional UGA Resources for Classroom Support, Distance Learning and Content Sharing:

Computer Lab Support

Lab Policies: No food or drink is allowed in the lab at any time.  Please be quiet and courteous to your fellow lab users.  Remember to log out when you are finished.  If you need technical support, please contact Ben Morrison at (706) 296-4576, [email protected].

Computer Lab Printing: While a printer and ink is provided in the lab, students must provide their own paper.  Lab printers feature duplex printing options to save paper.  If the printer runs low on ink or encounters a problem, please contact Ben Morrison, (706) 296-4576 or [email protected].

Computer Lab Reservations: The CPH computer labs are not available for reservations. However, the Russell Hall computer lab on the Health Science Campus is available for teaching classes and can be reserved by contacting UGA Campus Reservations. This room includes an AV system and desktop computer at the instructor’s desk in the front of the room.

CPH Computer Lab Locations

018 Rhodes Hall, Health Sciences Campus:

  • Hours: 7:30 a.m.- 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. NOTE: 24-hour access available. Students can inquire with CPH Office of Academic Affairs.
  • Please be aware that some computers may be in update mode during the early morning hours with scheduling based on the Red and Blue stickers you will see on the machines.  Notices should appear on the screens indicating their availability.
  • Hardware Available:
    • 13 – Windows PCs linked to Campus MyID system
    • 3 – iMac Computers
    • 1 – HP Laserjet 506dn Printer (features Duplex printing)
    • 1- Flatbed scanner (located at back of room, attached to desktop computer)
    • No projection system is available in this lab

104 Environmental Health Science Building, South Campus:

  • Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • Hardware Available:
    • 12 – Windows PCs linked to Campus MyID system
    • 1 – HP Laserjet P4014dn Printer (features Duplex printing)
    • 1 – HP Flatbed desktop scanner (11×14)
    • No projection system is available in this lab

EHS Mobile Mac Lab, available by reservation only:

  • Hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
  • MacBooks available through mobile lab must be reserved in advance to avoid scheduling conflicts. Once checked out, these computers may not leave the building.
  • Must be reserved and checked-out through the EHS Main Office.
  • Hardware Available:
    •  20 – 13” Macbook Pro computers running OSX 10.9

Software Available (Windows) – All CPH Computer Labs:

  • Epi Info
  • Epi Data
  • SAS
  • SigmaPlot (EHS PC Lab only)
  • Microsoft Office
  • Adobe Acrobat
  • ARCGis (EHS PC Lab only)
  • EndNote

Software Available for EHS Mac Lab only:

  • Quicktime with iTunes
  • Adobe Flash player
  • Adobe Reader, latest version
  • Microsoft Office
  • Firefox, latest version
  • Clamxav Anti-Virus
Equipment Checkout

CPHOIT offers an extensive selection of audio-video (A/V) and instructional equipment for checkout. The service and equipment for checkout are reserved exclusively for College of Public Health students, faculty and staff. Those members of the CPH community wishing to check out equipment will be required to show a University of Georgia picture ID. This equipment is made available in large part through the Student Technology Fee dollars the College of Public Health receives from its students. Additional funds to purchase equipment have been provided by the CPH Dean’s Office.

Many of the items we have on hand can be reserved, and most can be checked out for a three-day period (exceptions may apply). There is no fee for use of this equipment, however failure to return the equipment by the due date may result in a late fee and/or loss of privileges to checkout equipment in the future. Please make your reservation at least 24 hours in advance.

While in your possession, you are responsible for keeping the equipment not only in good working condition, but secure at all times. Equipment that is damaged when returned may require a fee for replacement and a letter of explanation will be required.

To schedule an appointment for equipment pick-up (available in Room 034 of Rhodes Hall):

Equipment Available for Checkout


  • Windows and MacBook iOS computers are available for checkout

Public Speaking and other Events

  • PA system 600-Watt, 2 speakers, 8 channels, two microphones, speaker stands, microphone stands
  • Wireless Microphone

Video Recording

  • HD Canon Camcorder with Tripod
  • 4k Sony Camcorder with lens filter kit and Tripod

Audio Recording

  • Digital records, both handheld and multi-channel professional audio recording
  • Wireless Microphones
  • Condenser Microphones


  • iPads and iPad Minis are available for checkout


  • Transcription pedals
  • Tripods for cameras
  • Tripod mounts for iPad minis and similar sized tablets
  • Power extension cords
  • USB Web Cameras for video conferencing
Security, Networking and Server Administration

CPHOIT supports the server environment for the College of Public Health including administrative, instructional, outreach and research data, as well as provides network support for all physical locations housing CPH departments and institutes on the UGA campus.

CPHOIT works closely with Enterprise Information Technology Services (EITS) Office of Information Security (InFoSec) at UGA to maintain a secure environment for our data and network traffic. Wayne Crotts is our Security Officer and designated as Security Liaison for the College of Public Health. If you have questions or concerns about security of your data, contact [email protected] or submit a ticket to  For more information about security at UGA, please go to:

Digital Signage

Please contact, CPHOIT for any technical issues related to CPH digital signage by submitting a ticket to For inquiries about digital signage content, please contact Heather McEachern in the Office of Academic Affairs at 706.542.3187.

Additional Resources