The Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics boasts a productive research program in the areas of methods (including spatial statistics, infectious disease modeling, survival analysis); infectious disease epidemiology; methods for tuberculosis control; aids for international training and research programs; clinical, operational and health services research; clinical epidemiology and translational research; medical screening; global health; food safety epidemiology; epidemiology of zoonosis in domestic animal-human interface; antimicrobial drug resistance of food borne pathogens; community-based research; occupational health; reproductive and developmental health; environmental health and health disparities.

The department’s state-of-the-science research portfolio includes methodological issues in biostatistics, including point process models for event history data, spatial epidemiology and statistics, environmental statistics, analysis of high dimensional massive data, bioinformatics, data mining, functional data analysis, multiple testing, survival analysis, joint modeling of survival and longitudinal data and covariate measurement error models.

The department also has a strong record of collaboration with public and private health agencies and institutions including strong collaborative ties with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and state regional offices, Georgia Farmworker Health Program, the UGA Archway Partnership, UGA College of Veterinary Medicine, UGA Biomedical and Health Sciences Institute and the Faculty of Infectious Diseases.

Departmental Research Working Groups

Faculty Research Laboratories