Twelve students named 2013-14 PSO Student Scholars

Twelve University of Georgia undergraduate students have been selected as Public Service and Outreach Scholars for 2013-2014.

Supported by the Office of the Vice President for Public Service and Outreach and administered through the Office of Service-Learning, the yearlong program provides students with the opportunity to learn about UGA’s public service and outreach mission.

The program introduces students to key areas of public service and outreach and UGA’s land- and sea-grant missions through group meetings, site visits and a 150-hour internship in one of the eight public service and outreach units or the vice president’s office. The goal is to provide students with a deeper understanding of public service and outreach mission through meetings and outreach and to help them link these experiences with their career and educational goals. The program aims to create a community of student scholars who understand the role of university outreach and engagement.

The PSO Student Scholars, their majors and internship locations are:

  • Lemi Abdolwahb, health promotion, Georgia Center for Continuing Education;
  • Carol Conroy, health promotion, Office of Service-Learning;
  • Allison Doyle, biology and master of public health in health policy and management, Marine Outreach;
  • Grant Grussing, economics, finance and management information systems, Small Business Development Center;
  • Signe Hanson, international affairs and Latin American and Caribbean studies, J.W. Fanning Institute for Leadership Development;
  • Sarah Hughes, international affairs and Latin American and Caribbean studies, Carl Vinson Institute of Government;
  • Ayaka Matsumura, exercise and sports medicine, Office of Service-Learning;
  • Nadine Najjar, biology and psychology, Archway Partnership;
  • John Rodriguez, English and international affairs, Vinson Institute;
  • Natalie Taylor, biology, Marine Outreach;
  • Iesha Upshaw, English, Fanning Institute; and
  • Katherine Zarada, biochemistry, molecular biology and ecology, State Botanical Garden.


pso-student-scholar-2013UGA Public Service and Outreach Scholars for 2013-2014 include (back row, from left) Grant Grussing, John Rodriguez, Sarah Hughes, Katie Zarada, Signe Hanson, Natalie Taylor,  (front row, from left) Ayaka Matsumura, Lemi Abdolwahb, Carol Ann Conroy, Nadine Najjar and Iesha Upshaw. Not pictured is Allison Doyle.

– Eli Truett

Posted September 19, 2013.