UGA College of Public Health news and media mentions for the month of April 2019:
The Georgia Health News featured Lisa Renzi-Hammond, an assistant professor in the Institute of Gerontology who is involved in a series of projects studying the positive effects of carotenoids on brain function in both older adults and college students. Renzi-Hammond found that supplementing two different carotenoids–lutein and zeaxanthin–improved brain processing speed, memory, and problem solving compared to a placebo. Additional coverage at WABE.
Andrea Swartzendruber, assistant professor of epidemiology and biostastitics, co-authored an opinion article in the Georgia Health News Commentary section which addressed new federal regulations related to Title X funding and their potential impact on preventative health services, particularly related to family planning, for low-income and uninsured people. Additional coverage Kaiser Health News.
Grace Bagwell Adams, assistant professor of health policy and management, invites us to use a strength-based approach to overcome barriers to community wellbeing during her talk at TEDxUGA:Amplify held March 222 at the Classic Center in downtown Athens, Ga. View her TED talk here.
Western Kentucky University has named CPH alumnae Tania Basta (Ph.D. ’06, health promotion) as the new dean of the university’s College of Health and Human Services. Coverage at WKU News, WKBO, College Heights Herald, The Lane Report, and Chronicle of Higher Education.
Posted April 30, 2019.