Elizabeth Hardister, a fourth-year student completing her BA in international affairs and MPH in disaster management, was one of three UGA students selected to present TEDxUGA: CONNECT 2018 held March 22, 2018 at the Classic Center in downtown Athens.
During her talk, she emphasizes the importance of individual action in community-level emergency preparedness.
Hardister gained experience in emergency management working for Counterterrorism Operations Support in Las Vegas, Nevada; the Greater New York Hospital Association in New York City; the American Red Cross of Georgia in Atlanta; and, at UGA, the Institute for Disaster Management, Carl Vinson Institute of Government, Office of Emergency Preparedness, UGA Red Cross, UGA Medical Reserve Corps Field Medical Team, and UGA Campus Emergency Response Team. To further her knowledge of international security, she interned for the U.S. Department of State, the UGA Center for International Trade and Security and TradeSecure LLC.
In the fall, Hardister will travel to China on a Schwarzman Scholarship to begin a yearlong master’s program in global affairs at Tsinghua University in Beijing. Focusing on international studies, she hopes to learn more about the country’s emergency management system, nuclear safety and security culture, and contributions to international nonproliferation regimes. In the future, Hardister plans to pursue a career as an emergency management specialist.
– Rebecca Ayer
Posted April 13, 2018.
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