The Global Health Undergraduate Certificate, offered by the College’s Global Health Institute, provides students with a better understanding of the concept of “global health” and how by its nature, holds significant health implications for all individuals. Students enrolled in the certificate will increase their understanding of the global nature and scope of health issues today, examine multi-disciplinary approaches to solving global health problems, and build a foundation of knowledge that will serve to advocate for and promote solutions to global health problems.
The experiential learning options provided through the certificate program include opportunities to work with UGA faculty members to tackle research that addresses pressing global health issues, such as HIV, TB, and maternal and child health. The program links students with experiential learning opportunities in the laboratories of global health researchers and through mentored field experiences in the U.S. and abroad.
Educational objectives of the global health certificate:
- Describe the global burden of disease and the globalization of health and health care
- Describe the social, economic and environmental determinants of health and identify the ways they shape access to health care, water, sanitation, and food
- Apply a social justice and human rights perspective in addressing global health problems
- Embody the sociocultural and political awareness necessary for successful work in diverse cultural settings and across local, national, and regional political landscapes
- Demonstrate the need for a multi-disciplinary approach to solving global health problems and exhibit respect for and awareness of the various professionals and community partners who work in the global health arena
- Provide experiential learning opportunities in the laboratories of global health researchers and through mentored field experiences in the U.S. and abroad