The Department of Environmental Health Science conducts a diverse array of research that generates information critical for analysis of the health risks posed by the mixture of chemical and microbiological agents present in community and occupational settings.

Investigators within the department have received funding from state, federal and international organizations and agencies, including the U.S. National Institute of Cancer, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, National Science Foundation, Environmental Protection Agency, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Agency for International Development, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Georgia Environmental Protection Division, Georgia Cancer Coalition, and Georgia Sea Program.

Specific areas of study include: 

• Air and Water Quality • Environmentally Induced DNA Damage & Repair
• Aquatic Toxicology • Environmental ‘omics
• Cancer Etiology & Prevention • Food Safety
• Climate and Health • Global Environmental & Occupational Health
• Exposure and Risk Assessment • Industrial Hygiene
• Environmental Chemistry • Microbial Ecology & Infectious Disease
• Environment-Genetic Interactions & Interventions • Oceans & Health
• Environmental Microbiology • Reproductive & Developmental Toxicology

Research Facilities

The Department of Environmental Health Science (EHS) is housed in the Environmental Health Science Building on UGA’s South Campus (Building 1050 on the UGA Interactive Campus Map).  Our physical address, maps, and driving instructions can be found here.

The Environmental Health Science Building is approximately 23,679 square-feet in size of which over half is laboratory space and the remainder is split between classroom and office space. In addition, EHS faculty members have their laboratories in the Paul D. Coverdell Center for Biomedical and Health Sciences, the Complex Carbohydrate Research Center, and Rhodes Animal Sciences Center.

The Department of Environmental Health Science houses office space for ten faculty members, three administrative staff, research staff, adjunct faculty, post-doctoral researchers, visiting scholars, and graduate students.

Facilities within the EHS include: